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Daniela Shiga, MBA, is an Amazon Japan best selling author and a long time Cooperating Researcher with Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine under the guidance of 2 renowned professors: Shirasawa Takuji (Department of Aging Control, with interest in Telomere research in relation to lifestyle and nutrition, stem cells, anti-aging, functional cooking, 2011~2015) and Kobayashi Hiroyuki (Department of Hospital Administration, with interest in Nutrition, Kampo, Anti-aging, Physical exercise, Stress, 2015~present).

Besides university collaboration she is a Functional Foods Researcher and Liaison Office Manager with Shirasawa Anti-Aging Medical Institute, and the Director of the Japan Anti-Aging Food Association and Global Anti-Aging Network.

She has been very interested in conscious eating and spiritual nutrition and studied with Dr.Gabriel Cousens in USA. As an eternal student of life she stands in awe at the mystery of creation of all life forms, and of human blissful perception of happiness and health.

Born in Bucharest, Romania, she thinks fondly of her Motherland as the most beautiful country and loves to reflect with pride on her family and culture. She also briefly lived in Portugal and studied the language, culture, fado singing, cooking and learned to love good wines.

Later when she moved to Tokyo, Japan, she perfected her Japanese at Temple University where she also studied in a Master in Education program, and obtained a Graduate Certificate in American Legal Studies. She studied Japanese history, calligraphy and culture, and she also taught foreigner students beginner courses of Japanese language and writing.

During her carrier as an ITF coordinator, she took various Japanese and foreign theater and dance companies to perform at international festivals around the globe and in Japan.

Later on, her independent and unquenched curious spirit, catalyzed her to personally study with and from the top anti-aging doctors, nutritionists and world famous speakers like Dr.Gabriel Cousens and Shanti GouldCousens (Master’s Intensive at Cousens’s School of Holistic Wellness), Dr.Joseph Mercola, Dr.Daniel Amen, Dr.Roy Dittman, Dr.William Davis, Dr.Aubrey de Grey, Dr. Robert Marshall, Dr.Hal Huggins, Dr.Donna Gates, Dr.Bruce Lipton, Dr. Lissa Rankin, Dr.Sara Gottfried, Dr.William Sears, Dr.Dave Woynarowski, Dr.Claude Dalle, Dr.Eva Schaeufele, Dr.Mario Krause, Dr.Alessio Fasano, Dr.David Perlmutter, David Wolfe, Mike Adams, Daniel Vitalis, Peter Ragnar, Ron Teaguardan, Vani Hari, Nadine Artemis, Dave Asprey, Nick Good, Robert Cassar, Chris Witcoe, Matt Monarch, Stan Grist, attending schools and courses, longevity and anti-aging conferences, and traveling to exotic places.

In Japan she became a cooperating researcher in the Department of Aging Control Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine of Juntendo University under the Professor Dr.Shirasawa Takuji. She is also learning from Dr.Nagumo Yoshinori, Dr.Saito Ryozo and Dr.Tanaka Hiroaki among other Japanese doctors. Her field of interest is the telomere research in the longevity villages of Nagano prefecture, stem cell research and traditional cuisine including fermented foods of Japan.

She has decided to devote her life to bridge culture and share information on foods as spiritual nutrition and physical wellbeing for people to live longer, happier and healthier lives through. Her combined career has taken her to over 43 countries, either with theater or as a lecturer, seminar facilitator and researcher in medicine and nutrition.

Combining work and pleasure, she visited and learned first-hand about various archeological sites, cultures, habits, history, health and foods. She loves traveling around the world in search of ancient civilizations and of the origin of human species trying to figure out it’s future ideal path.

In Ecuador she visited Pululagua volcanic crater, the largest diameter volcanic crater in all of South America, the ancient ruins of Rumicucho originally built as a solar ritual site and observatory that was later used as an Inca military installation, visited Mitad del Mundo, or Center of the Earth, located on (near) the equator where strange geological and physical phenomena happen, and joying a group of expeditors led by Stan Grist, she was among the first to explore the long lost and hidden complex of pyramids Cochasqui, ancient pre-Inca ruins, to witness first-hand the evidence that these ancient civilizations that had direct knowledge of the Earth's position in the solar system, including its axis tilt relationship with our sun and they established a network of sacred solar temples and observatories, all centered about the equator. A very advanced civilization once lived in the Quito area long before the Incas ever arrived. Some archaeologists and anthropologists believe that the ancient kingdom of the Kitus was actually the root origin of all ancient American civilizations, and perhaps even of other major civilizations around the world. The ancient Kitus (later the Kitus-Caras) possessed an in-depth knowledge of astronomy and mathematics, especially geometry. They established a network of sacred solar temples and observatories, all centered about the equator. She also got an experience of local shamanism.

In Peru she visited museum in Lima, learned how to cook traditional foods in Cusco, dipped into the hot springs of the Aguas Calientes village, and visited the most mysterious Incan citadel of Machu Picchu.

In Brazil she got wet by the Iguacu Falls and got a glimpse of the Amazon while bringing Japanese theater to the local population.

In Hawaii, she actually climbed up to the active and lava spitting crater of volcanic mana of Kalapana and Kilauea in the National Park, warmed up on the Big Island’s natural hotsprings, and surfed for gold medal in the virgin surfer’s competition at the first edition of the Rainbow Raw Games in 2008.

In Malta she hummed into the Oracle Chamber of the mysterious Hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni, a subterranean structure dating to the Saflieni phase, built by mysterious civilizations some 6000 years ago. The Hypogeum is thought to have been originally a sanctuary, but it became a necropolis in prehistoric times, and in fact, the remains of more than 7,000 individuals have been found. It is the only known prehistoric underground temple in the world.

Tirelessly striving to find more keys to happiness, anti-aging secrets, healthy cooking, super-foods and excellent habits to be shared through her books and lectures all around the globe, she prays for peace and love for everyone.

Books in: Japanese Chinese Korean English
As an author, Daniela has written, translated and collaborated on over 30 books on health topics and healthy cooking. Although her books are in Japanese, some have been translated into Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese. In 2015 she became an Amazon Japan best selling co-author with the book「アルツハイマーの改善&予防に! ココナッツオイルでボケずに健康 “How to Improve and Prevent Alzheimer staying healthy and brain fit with Coconut Oil” that became no.1 selling book overall.
For many years she has been taught various subjects and served as a cooperating researcher with various academic institutions such as Temple University Tokyo Campus, Continuing Education Program and Juntendo University, Graduate School of Medicine, Aging Control Department under the supervision of one of Japan’s most distinguished professors and prolific author of over 260 books, Dr. Shirasawa Takuji. [www.shirasawa-acl.net] She also authors articles on health tips and healthy recipes for various magazines and other publications in Japan.

In addition to her writings, Daniela features on Japanese radio and TV in travel and cultural programs for various stations such as NTV, TBS, Tokyo TV, QVC, and also as a guest reporter for NHK WORLD TV, Japan’s only international broadcasting channel in programs such as the popular “Journeys in Japan” and “Delicious Japan.” See, http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/

Work & Collaboration
Availability as a
1 Reporter/Commentator for Print Media, Radio and TV
2 Writer/Columnist for Media, on line and in print
3 Speaker/Seminar Leader for Corporate and other Functions:

Daniela Shiga is available to give lecturers and cooking demonstrations to groups, and to conduct seminars on healthy living at corporate functions, including healthy cooking as an effective teambuilding exercise. Her lectures and seminars (available in English, Japanese or Romanian) provide inspiration and promote health and wellbeing. Programs can be designed to meet the particular needs and interests of any group or corporation.


世界のアンチエイジングライフを知るダニエラ・シガの世界へようこそ En 2011, Daniela a eu l'occasion de collaborer en tant que chercheur coopérant au sein du ministère de Aging Medicine contrôle à l'Université Juntendo, Graduate School de l'Université Medicine.Juntendo est parmi les meilleures écoles de médecine au Japon. Elle a participé à donner des conférences lors du Congrès mondial sur Monaco anti-âge, des conférences sur la réhabilitation, et d'autres Pologne, l'Italie, l'Espagne et le Japon, couvrant les thèmes des secrets de la longévité japonaise, les télomères et la relation entre une alimentation saine, mode de vie et habitudes.

Documents de recherche:
"Hème oxygénase-1 (HO-1) est constitutivement régulée à la hausse dans le top alpinistes» publié dans Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2012 417: 104-108

Daniela a écrit et collaboré plus de 30 livres sur la santé et des recettes saines en japonais, certains ayant été traduits en chinois coréens et, depuis son arrivée à l'Université Juntendo Aging Medicine contrôle. Elle publie sous le nom de Daniela Shiga. Elle écrit des articles mensuels avec des recettes saines et des conseils de santé pour des magazines et d'autres publications au Japon.

Documentaire TV Reporter:
En plus de ses écrits, Daniela apparaît souvent à la télévision japonaise, elle travaille aussi comme journaliste freelance pour "les voyages au Japon" de la NHK monde de programmes de télévision, et est également apparu en direct, sur les ondes, sur les programmes de l'internet. Voir, http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/
[1] «Vivre avec des chevaux à Hidaka" sur Août 13th 2013, couvrant le thème des chevaux élevés sur l'île de Hokkaido.
Voir, http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/journeys/archives20130807.html
[2]"Kanazawa: évolution Tradition" le 15 Juin 2014, couvrant les aliments culture fermenté, peinture de kimono, différentes fêtes et traditions, la culture de geisha, etc
Voir, http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/tv/journeys/archives20140709.html

Daniela a participé à de nombreuses émissions de télévision donnant des démonstrations de cuisine de vie sains. Shehosted une émission de radio de 6 mois couvrant conseils de santé à travers le monde, et depuis l'année dernière, elle donne des cours de cuisine saine.
Voir, http://www.danielabeautifullife.com/event.html

Depuis 1996, Daniela a travaillé pour Siglo Co. au Japon. Elle a créé une nouvelle société en 2013, appelé le Réseau Anti-âge global, et à partir de 2014, L'Anti-Aging Association japonaise des aliments. Voir, http://anti-agingfood.com/message

Université de l'Etat, Sala Dalles, Bucarest - langue japonaise, 1988
Huron International University, Tokyo Campus - baccalauréat en administration des affaires internationales, 1999
Huron International University, Tokyo Campus - MBA 2000
Temple University, Tokyo Campus - Certificat américain d'études juridiques, 2005
Temple University, Tokyo Campus - M.Ed. en TESOL 2007 ~
Programme de Maîtrise en nutrition spirituelle - Centre de Life Institute, Arizona, Etats-Unis 2011
Juntendo Graduate School médicale vieillissement contrôle chercheur Département coopéré, 2011 ~
Diverses études médicales au sein de l'Institut de médecine fonctionnelle. 2012 ~

Daniela est une sportive avide. Elle nage, joue au tennis, plongée en scaphandre, manèges de chevaux, joue au tennis de table, pratique le yoga, et wakeboard, etc. Elle est activement engagée dans les arts, en particulier le théâtre, la peinture, la culture japonaise (cérémonie du thé: sado et sencha), arts martiaux (kobudo, aïkido et karaté), et la musique classique. La formation continue reste un élément central de la vie de Daniela et elle possède un vaste réseau d'amis et de collègues. Ce réseau l'aide à apprendre et lui permet de se propager son message de vie-affirmation de la vie saine.
Disponibilité en tant que leader Président / Séminaire pour les fonctions et autres:
Daniela Shiga Pantazi est disponible pour donner des conférences et des démonstrations culinaires à des groupes et à organiser des séminaires sur la vie saine à fonctions de l'entreprise, y compris une cuisine saine comme un exercice de consolidation d'équipe efficace. Ses conférences et de séminaires (disponible en anglais ou en japonais) une source d'inspiration et de promouvoir la santé et le bien-être. Les programmes peuvent être conçus pour répondre aux besoins et aux intérêts particuliers d'un groupe ou d'une société.


世界のアンチエイジングライフを知るダニエラ・シガの世界へようこそ 達妮拉·史嘉 Daniela Shiga

『麹&野菜で免疫力アップ 手づくりジュース』台湾語版『麹&野菜で免疫力アップ 手づくりジュース』台湾語版『麹&野菜で免疫力アップ 手づくりジュース』台湾語版 『アルツハイマーの改善&予防に! ココナッツオイルでボケずに健康』中国語版 『100歳までボケない がんにならない101のジュース 決定版』中国語版


世界のアンチエイジングライフを知るダニエラ・シガの世界へようこそ 다니엘라 시거 (ダニエラ シガ)
준텐도대학 대학원 의학연구과/노화방지의학강좌 연구원.
루마니아 부쿠레슈티 출신의 라이프 스타일 디자이너이다. 휴론 국제대학
경영학 석사(MBA)과정을 수료했다. 노화방지나 건강과 관련된 다수의 문헌
을 독파하여 유럽, 아시아, 미국 등에서 노화방지, 로푸드, 건강, 장수, 디톡스
등을 주제로 한 회의, 학회, 세미나에 참가하여 연구 활동을 활발히 하고 있
다. 시라사와 다쿠지 교수와 공저로 《몸과 마음이 좋아하는 소금 고르기&맛
있는 소금 레시피》(日本文藝社), 《7색 채소의 수프 레시피》(誠文堂新光社)
등 다수가 있다.

Books in: Japanese Chinese Korean English
As an author, Daniela has written, translated and collaborated on over 30 books on health topics and healthy cooking. Although her books are in Japanese, some have been translated into Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese. In 2015 she became an Amazon Japan best selling co-author with the book「アルツハイマーの改善&予防に! ココナッツオイルでボケずに健康 “How to Improve and Prevent Alzheimer staying healthy and brain fit with Coconut Oil” that became no.1 selling book overall.
For many years she has been taught various subjects and served as a cooperating researcher with various academic institutions such as Temple University Tokyo Campus, Continuing Education Program and Juntendo University, Graduate School of Medicine, Aging Control Department under the supervision of one of Japan’s most distinguished professors and prolific author of over 260 books, Dr. Shirasawa Takuji. [www.shirasawa-acl.net] She also authors articles on health tips and healthy recipes for various magazines and other publications in Japan.

『100歳までボケない がんにならない101のジュース 決定版』韓国語版 『アルツハイマーの改善&予防に! ココナッツオイルでボケずに健康』韓国語版


ルーマニア国ブカレスト生まれ  誕生日:11月27日 / 星座:射手座 / 血液型:0型
現在、順天堂大学大学院医学研究科 病院管理学 協力研究員
2000年 ヒューロン国際大学(東京キャンパス)経営学修士(MBA)修了
2003年 テンプル大学大学院にてワイン・コンサルタント・コース修了
2005年 テンプル大学大学院(東京キャンパス)アメリカ法学研究科修了
2007年 テンプル大学大学院にて英語教授法 受講
2010年 サトヴィック アーユルヴェーダ特別コース修了
2011年 アリゾナ州Cousens’ School of Holistic Wellnessの スピリチュァル・ニュートリッション・マスタリーコース受講
2012年〜 機能性医学講座受講。IFM (Institute of Functional Medicine)機能性医学会会員
2011年〜2015年 順天堂大学大学院 医学研究科 加齢制御医学講座 協力研究員 (白澤卓二教授の元で)
2015年〜 順天堂大学大学院医学研究科 病院管理学 協力研究員(小林弘幸教授の元で)
2010年から健康や美容への関心がさらに高まり仕事として取り組み始める。アンチエイジングドクターの第一人者として知られる順天堂大学大学院 白澤卓二教授のもとでアシスタントや加齢制御講座の協力研究員として活動し、健康的な長寿に関する調査に携わる。「食事」「運動」「心の持ち方」などを通して身近にできるアンチエイジングをメディアや講義、セミナー、料理教室などを通してご紹介しています。https://www.facebook.com/DanielaAntiagingSchool
海外では、ヒマラヤ山脈のもとにあるフンザ地域(Hunza)(フンザ族は長寿で有名)、エクアドルのヴィルカバンバ(Vilcabamba)(インカ人のリゾートでパワースポットとして知られる長寿の村)、サンマリノ共和国(San Marino)(WHO世界保健統計2013年版で、男性の平均寿命1位の国)、南仏にあるアルル(Arles)の村(ギネス記録で長寿1位122歳の女性・ジャン・カルマンさんが生存していた村)、モナコ公国(Monte Carlo)での現場研究とともに、世界最大の国際アンチエイジング学会での研究発表など活躍の場を拡げてきている。
◆ 新商品開発アドバイザー、健康レシピ開発、メニュー開発、お店(カフェ・レストラン)開発、

◆ 言語:
◆ 趣味:

ダニエラ シガの世界へようこそ

世界のアンチエイジングライフを知るダニエラ・シガの世界へようこそ 私はヨーロッパやアメリカの長寿研究セミナーにおいて、長寿遺伝子、テロメア、体内機能、細胞内の働き、デトックス、サプリメント、スーパーフード、健康な調理法、運動、生きがいなどについて研究してきました。最近、ドクターたちも自らの体験を通して、セミナーなどで農業をテーマに語ることが多くなりました。例えば、土の質、種の質、遺伝子組み換え、空気、水、オーガニック農業・栽培、それからパーマカルチャーと呼ばれる「動物やの植物、および自家する植物を人間が利用する目的で組みあわせたシステム」、地球環境などの問題に関してです。




米国では680キロの着色料が食品、医薬品、および化粧品に毎年使用されています。ワシントンに本部を置く消費者擁護団体である「公益科学センター」(The Center for Science in the Public Interest)では、着色料の使用を自主的に停止するよう「アメリカ食品医薬品局(政府機関。略称:FDA)や食品会社に呼びかけを続けています。




カナダ唯一の非遺伝子組み換え種子会社「De Dell」社のレポートによれば非遺伝子組み換えのものは、遺伝子組み換えのトウモロコシに比べ、カルシウムが437倍、マグネシウムは56倍など、ミネラル類を豊富に含んでいるという研究結果がでています。土壌がやせ、作物中のビタミンやミネラル類が減少の一途を辿っていると言われている中、このことは注目すべきことです。




